Learning To Be Okay With Being You
You Are Exactly Who God Made You To Be.
Have you ever struggled with wanting to be someone else, or think that something is wrong with you?
I sure have.
I’ve always been the type of person to push farther by setting goals and then trying to achieve them. If I didn’t reach that goal, then I’d feel like I failed.
Can I whisper a secret in your ear??
That’s A LIE.
Okay, I tried to whisper. But I wanted you to hear it loud and clear. You are exactly who you were created to be.
Yes, we should always try to be better and grow in all areas but don’t beat yourself up because you haven’t “arrived” yet. That's a flat out lie being told to you.
When you get to the point where you accept that you’re beautiful, smart, talented, seen, heard, good enough... that’s when your true beauty shines.
There’s nothing more beautiful than confidence.
These past couple years have been a bit of a soul searching journey for me. There’s been a lot of conversation between God and me about who He’s really created me to be.
All I keep hearing is “I’ve created you on purpose for a purpose. Love yourself. Don’t try to be someone else. That’s not your place. I’ve put you in your skin, in your body for a reason. Embrace that. Love that. Own that.”
I remind myself of this daily. If I can be completely transparent, I write this down each day… “I fully embrace who I am in the stage of life I’m in.”
This practice has helped, but I’m not perfect. I never will be.
I choose to embrace who God made me. Crazy, weird, quirky me.
I challenge you to do the same.
Girl, you are beautiful inside and out. Own it. Embrace it.