Karson's 1st Birthday | Mount Juliet, TN


My Sweet Baby Karson,

Happy 1st birthday dear little one. You have know idea what a light you have been to your daddy and I. It wasn’t an easy road to you (read more about that here), but boy was it worth all the emotions when we found out you were with us!

Sitting on the couch, with a little test that held two pink lines, I surprised your daddy. He was in shock and kept asking if this was true, for course it was true! Then the excitement started!

A couple weeks went by and we got to see you for the first time. That was one of the best moments in our lives. You were healthy and growing strong! Something we’ve prayed over you from before we knew you were swimming around in my tummy.

Fast forward to the day you were born, September 3rd, 2017.

It was a Sunday morning and I knew you were coming. I ate a cinnamon roll whiling drinking a cup of coffee then woff to the hospital we went. Now you decided to come later that night but so many laughs were shared in the hospital room while we waited for your arrival. Oh yes, we also were watching Beachfront Bargains because there were moments I just needed to pretend I was at the beach!

After delivery, they put you in my arms and I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy. You were here! You were healthy and being a hormonal momma, overfilled with all the emotions, all I could do was stare into at your precious little 5lb body.

Your daddy and I prayed over you, along with many others who came to meet you that next day.

You are so full of life and joy. Filling the room with smiles wherever you go.

My sweet boy, I pray you never lose that. You are destined to do great things and change this world. The way you wrap people around your fingers with your captivating little personality, God has big plans for you!


Also, I wanted to share a few lessons you’ve taught me in your little life this past year…

1. Slow Down

Watching you jump through stages has shown me how quickly time passes and I don’t want to blink and miss it all. So being intentional to slow down while embracing the little moments (yes, even the hard ones) has allowed me to savor each stage that much more!

2. Create Special Moments

I know you may not remember your 1st cake smash, but this will be something I’ll cherish forever and am so happy I got to capture it on camera! As you get older, we’ll buy more cakes for you smash and the memories will grow stronger. You’ll bring friends over and we’ll share laughs that will make us almost wet ourselves. These moments I look forward to. But for now, this past year, watching your smile develop, your shaky first steps as you grabbed onto the couch and those middle of the night feedings… this is what I currently hold onto. This keeps me going and makes me want to give you the world dear little one.

3. Be Intentional With My Time

As your momma, it’s easy for me to get pulled in many directions. But something you’ve taught me is to plan. Plan out my time so I can be intentional when I’m with you, as well as when I’m with your brother and your daddy. For if I just let time slip by I’ll wonder where it went but if I plan my time I’ll know exactly where it went. My sweet boy, I want my time with you to be strong! I want my time with our family to be a place of rest, joy and happy memories! So that’s what I strive for little one.


Have the happiest birthday my sweet boy! Your future is so bright and I see you shining for the whole world to see your light. I look forward to capturing this next year of your life and watching you grow into a little boy! Momma loves you more than you’ll ever know!

Hugs + Kisses,

Your Momma

Hannah Capps

Hannah Capps is a luxury light and airy photographer in Hot Springs, Arkansas, specializing in wedding photography, family portraits, and personal branding photography. With over a decade of experience, she helps brides, moms, and business owners capture timeless, natural, and joy-filled moments without the stress of posing or planning.

As a faith-driven entrepreneur, Hannah also provides branding and marketing education for women looking to build successful businesses. Through step-by-step coaching, she helps creatives and entrepreneurs turn their passion into impact, influence, and income with confidence.

When she’s not behind the camera or mentoring fellow creatives, you’ll find her enjoying life in her beautiful Hot Springs neighborhood, sipping her favorite iced vanilla cream drizzle coffee, and making memories with her husband and two boys.

Serving Hot Springs, Little Rock, and destination locations nationwide.

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The Capps Family at Disney World, Florida


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