Instagram Branding Basics


Lately I’ve been asked, how do you create a beautiful Instagram grid?

We all see those beautiful feeds that we could spend hours scroll through then look back on our own grid and want to create a stunning space ourselves. Am I alone? Great! I didn’t think so.

Today, I want to share a few little tricks I’ve used to hone in on my Instagram to create a beautiful piece of the internet. So let’s get started!


Choose A Consistent Color

Typically, there is a consistent color within the look of each picture; White, Brown, Greens, Blues, Pinks, etc. There’s no right or wrong color, it’s what makes you happy and attracts your preferred following.

Once you get the color you’re wanting (this may take trial and error, don’t be shy, play around with it) then you know what kind of pictures to take from the start. Let’s say, if you’re wanting the white/clean look, you’re not going to want to take a bunch of pictures in front of a bright red barn, it just won’t flow within your feed.

Here are a few examples of different color styles...

Top > Bottom - Left > Right Casey Wiegand, Kristen, Karen Stott, Jenna Kutcher


Download + Use An Editing App

There are so many FREE editing apps out there. You do you boo, but for me, I love VSCO (they have a free version as well as a paid version)! I also use Lightroom from time to time.

When editing within the app(s) you want to stay consistent. So stick to the SAME preset or edit the same way. That’s the key to creating a captivating feed! Pictures are what make people stop and read your captions.

Choose A Consistent Layout

This will be easier to explain by showing examples. But the key with this is to create a pattern of some sorts. So when you look at your grid as a whole, your eye can easily focus on what’s going on instead of being so busy that it overwhelms your brain!

Left > Right Allie Reeves, Casey Wiegand

Use A Planning App

Planning apps are my fave! Using a planning app will allow you to see your current grid along with what you want to post before it’s actually posted. That way you move images around to locate the perfect spot!

A lot of these apps have extra features within them. So the one I use for my instagram is called Preview (again, this one is free). It has a place where you can pre-write your captures so you can plan that ahead too. This is one of my favorite features, it allows me to batch work and I can put more thought into each post! Then I’ll upload the image straight to Instagram from the app! Easy peasy!

A few other apps myself and other girls bosses have used are listed below. It’s honestly a preference thing and what works best for you and your needs.


-The Grid


Be Creative With Your Captions

Now that you have a few insights on how to create a pretty grid (because that’s the first thing that attracts people), let’s talk a little about your captions. Captivating captions always get more engagement and isn’t that the point of social media? Connecting with others?

People are captivated by stories. Giving them something they can relate to, help them grow or picture themselves in keeps people on your feed wanting more.


I look forward to seeing your stunning feeds! Feel free to drop your Instagram link in the comments so I can check it out and we can start connecting!

Hannah Capps

I’m Hannah Capps!

More than just a photographer, I'm your friend on a mission to infuse life into your everyday moments. Through this lens, I aim to weave stories that capture the essence of who you are and the beauty found in the simplicity of life's journey.

Social Media: The handshake to your business