Social Media: The handshake to your business


Eeeeekkkk! We get to talk about one of my favorite things today! Are you ready to dive into how I’ve 100% marketed my business??

Let’s do this!


Social Media! 

It’s the handshake to our business.

Today, someone reached out to me and asked if I knew a certain someone. A little confused, I told her “Yes,” then asked, “Why?” She answered back that she applied for a job with her and saw we were friends on Facebook and wanted to know how I knew her.

Needless to say, people are looking at your social media and creating a profile of you in their minds. Do I think that’s right? No. But do I know it happens? Yes.

So, let’s be the type of community that goes above and beyond!!

Once again, intentionally plays a part in your social media game. It’s a free platform so that’s free advertisement to promote you and your business.

With that said, you don’t want to be ad, ad, ad because everyone will turn the channel and never come back.


When it comes to social media marketing, think 20% promoting what you sell and 80% sharing other on-brand interests and everyday life, especially if you are your brand.

Remember social media is called SOCIAL MEDIA for a reason to be social and connect with other people authentically. 

My general rule of thumb is to serve, serve, serve, and then ask! This will build the “like, know, and trust” factor that we all want! :) 

So how do you use a free platform to increase impact, influence, and income?

Create A Consistent Overall Look

Picking your branding colors will help. Once you have those, you can then discern what would be “on-brand” and what wouldn’t.

Example: If you’re light and airy then don’t take pictures of a dark fence.  Find a lighter wall, fence road, etc.

A great way to see if your colors all go together is by creating a mood board. I like to use Canva for this.

Download A Planning App

This will let you see your IG from a bird’s-eye view. You can then move around photos to make it appealing at first glance. Remember we only have 3-5 seconds to capture someone’s attention and keep them!

Here’s a couple I’ve personally used and love

Stay Consistent

No one likes to follow someone who posts really great content and then ghosts them for however long. Maybe posting every day isn’t for you, but I would think through what is realistic for you and your schedule. Staying consistent will help your community know what to expect from you and when.

I’d love to hear how you use Social Media as a handshake to your business. Click the button below and this will go straight to me! As I’m always here cheering you on every step of the way!

Hannah Capps

Hannah Capps is a luxury light and airy photographer in Hot Springs, Arkansas, specializing in wedding photography, family portraits, and personal branding photography. With over a decade of experience, she helps brides, moms, and business owners capture timeless, natural, and joy-filled moments without the stress of posing or planning.

As a faith-driven entrepreneur, Hannah also provides branding and marketing education for women looking to build successful businesses. Through step-by-step coaching, she helps creatives and entrepreneurs turn their passion into impact, influence, and income with confidence.

When she’s not behind the camera or mentoring fellow creatives, you’ll find her enjoying life in her beautiful Hot Springs neighborhood, sipping her favorite iced vanilla cream drizzle coffee, and making memories with her husband and two boys.

Serving Hot Springs, Little Rock, and destination locations nationwide.

Let’s bring your vision to life—connect today!

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