My Journey With Anxiety

BRand Photographer_business and helath coach

Can I be honest a minute? …I struggled with anxiety…

If you’ve known me for more than half-an-hour you probably already know how passionate I am about business. I love being an entrepreneur and I get so much satisfaction from growing something that can help provide for my family.

But what you probably don’t know is how that passion can sometimes cause me problems.

You see, I am incredibly driven to succeed. I have a “whatever it takes” mentality when it comes to my business which has helped me to see some great results. However, that same drive, if I’m not careful, can drive me to a very unhealthy place. It can cause me to work so much, to think about “winning” so much, that I neglect areas of my life that are foundational to my long-term success. Areas like my physical and mental health, my family, my friendships, and my Spiritual life. And without fail, when I let those areas go unchecked for too long, I struggle with burnout.

I’ve often thought about why I’m so susceptible to this kind of burnout. It may be that, deep down, I feel like my worth or my value is somehow based on my performance or my ability to produce. It could be that, somewhere within me, I crave the security of having my own business and not depending on someone else for my family’s financial well-being. Whatever the reason, I’ve recently admitted to myself that I cannot let these struggles go unchecked. And now, I’m admitting that to you, too.


A little over 6 months ago now, my family’s world was turned upside down. My husband found out that his job was ending in a few months and, already facing financial pressure, we had to make a tough decision. We decided not to renew the lease on our home in Tennessee, a home that I loved, and to temporarily move our kids and I into my parents' home in Arkansas. This would allow Keith to finish up work while renting a small basement apartment from some friends and would save us a ton of money. The plan was for him to join us in Arkansas when his job was done. Little did we know that those few months were going to be some of the hardest of our lives.

At that time, my photography business, which was just starting to gain some traction in Tennessee, was struggling with another move. Our boys and I were sharing a small house with my dad, mom, brother, 2 cats, and a dog; the three of us snuggled up tightly in a single bedroom. My oldest was not adjusting well to his new school. We were finding it difficult to “jump back into” old friendships. On top of all of that, we missed Keith like crazy. Honestly, we felt so lost and out of place.

I guess I was so busy trying to hold it all together that I didn’t even realize that I was on the verge of a mental break. That’s when the anxiety attacks started. The first time, it was incredibly scary. I found myself crying so violently I could barely breathe. My whole body was shaking. I didn’t know what to do. When it was finally over, I just felt numb. I was scared to tell anyone about it. Maybe it was just that one time? Then it happened again. This time, while the boys and I were visiting Keith in Tennessee. I couldn’t hide this one. Keith held me and prayed over me until I finally calmed down. The next day, I had to face the struggles that I was trying to ignore.

After some lengthy conversation, we decided to reach out to some friends who we knew had struggled with anxiety in the past and had found success in managing it. They introduced us to a line of plant-based products they had been taking for quite some time, designed to detox and repair “the gut”. My first thought was, “What in the world does my gut have to do with my emotions and anxiety?” Little did I know that it had everything to do with it.


They explained how the majority of our hormones come from our gut and when things are out of balance, we struggle with our emotions, among other things. They shared how they had seen a major increase in their energy levels, mental focus, mood, and a significant decrease in anxiety.

Now I have to admit, my husband and I were both pretty skeptical. But we knew something had to change, so we decided to give it a shot.

Friends, please believe me when I tell you, I am SO GLAD that I took a chance on Plexus. As I began taking the products daily, I started noticing improvement all around. I, too, had more energy, better focus, improved mood, and yes, less anxiety. As for Keith, he had all of those benefits as well as some pretty impressive weight loss. In fact, he lost over 15 pounds in just over a month. Needless to say, these products have been a game changer for myself and my family. 

Now, I’m so sold on this brand, the products and the community of amazing people, that I just have to share it with my world. So, I’m proud to announce that I am now officially an Ambassador with Plexus Worldwide! What does that mean? Not a whole lot, actually :-)

I’m still the same Hannah, who loves to chat with friends, drink coffee, and build my business. The only difference is that, now, I am much better equipped to do all of that without neglecting what’s most important in my life. Whether you can relate to my struggle or not, I would love to talk with you more about how these products have changed my life and my business.

Please feel free to comment below, email me, or reach out on social media. I would be honored to help you reach your health goals! 



Hannah Capps

Hannah Capps is a luxury light and airy photographer in Hot Springs, Arkansas, specializing in wedding photography, family portraits, and personal branding photography. With over a decade of experience, she helps brides, moms, and business owners capture timeless, natural, and joy-filled moments without the stress of posing or planning.

As a faith-driven entrepreneur, Hannah also provides branding and marketing education for women looking to build successful businesses. Through step-by-step coaching, she helps creatives and entrepreneurs turn their passion into impact, influence, and income with confidence.

When she’s not behind the camera or mentoring fellow creatives, you’ll find her enjoying life in her beautiful Hot Springs neighborhood, sipping her favorite iced vanilla cream drizzle coffee, and making memories with her husband and two boys.

Serving Hot Springs, Little Rock, and destination locations nationwide.

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Lessons Learned From Moving