Finding Your Niche


“If you try to serve everyone, you’ll end up serving no one.”


Boy is that true. Yes, I’ve learned the hard way. What can I say, I have a heart of people. But taking the time to narrow down your niche is KEY!

Ask yourself…

-Who do you like working with?

-Who can you help?

-Who needs what you have to offer?

Dig deep and pull out these answers. Make a list. Draw a picture. Do whatever you need to do, to vision who your ideal client is. Once you can answer who this person is, then you can start creating and focusing your business on that person.

Give that person a name. Okay, okay, I’m not weird, I promise! Honestly it helps you visualize them while creating content. Trust me.

Got their name? Perfect!

Now picture what they do, how will your service/product benefit them? How can you step into a gap and help them?

As you narrow down your “ideal client”, you will start creating just for them. Which in returns will attract them and keep them coming back for more!

So sweet friend, who are you attracting? What is your niche?

Hannah Capps

Hannah Capps is a luxury light and airy photographer in Hot Springs, Arkansas, specializing in wedding photography, family portraits, and personal branding photography. With over a decade of experience, she helps brides, moms, and business owners capture timeless, natural, and joy-filled moments without the stress of posing or planning.

As a faith-driven entrepreneur, Hannah also provides branding and marketing education for women looking to build successful businesses. Through step-by-step coaching, she helps creatives and entrepreneurs turn their passion into impact, influence, and income with confidence.

When she’s not behind the camera or mentoring fellow creatives, you’ll find her enjoying life in her beautiful Hot Springs neighborhood, sipping her favorite iced vanilla cream drizzle coffee, and making memories with her husband and two boys.

Serving Hot Springs, Little Rock, and destination locations nationwide.

Let’s bring your vision to life—connect today!

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