Keeping Life Organized With The Simplified Planner
Let’s chat about being productive and staying organized!
I absolutely love crossing things off my list and having that feeling of accomplishment. Are you the same way??
Over the years, I’ve tried multiple ways to keep all things in line but I always go back to my Simplified Planner.
It’s Colorful.
It’s Simple.
It’s The Perfect Size.
It’s Durable.
It’s Perfect.
Now, they sell it in two different forms, weekly or daily but daily is my choice all the way. I like to see things broken down into bite-size pieces aka hourly.
Here are some ways I’ve used my simplified planner over the year depending on what season of life I’m in.
The Season of Motherhood
Meal Planning
Play Dates
Working Out Schedule
Food tracker
Gratitude Journal
House cleaning plan
Kids chore chart
Bible Reading
The Season of Running A Business
Time Blocking (click here to read more about that)
Photography Sessions
Blog Schedule
IGTV Bullet Point Notes
Finance Tracker
Business Mileage
Quarterly Planner
Goal Setting
Content Calendar
Then of course I just love to customize my own planner with washi tape, color coding, stickers, and inspirational sayings to help me stay motivated.
The one thing about planners is they can be amazing…ONLY if you use them! Simple, I know but so true. CLICK HERE for $10 off your planner!
What’s your best planner tips? I’d love to hear from you of how you customize your planner to fit your needs.