A few months later, to my surprise, I took a test, or three and it was positive! Scraping together all the change I could find, I went to Starbucks to order Keith’s favorite drink where they’d write “You’re a Daddy… once again!”
I could hardly wait to bring it home and surprise him!
A couple weeks go by and we head to our doctors appointment. She ran some tests then asked if I could go to the ultrasound room for some more testing. Of course, I wanted to make sure everything was okay so we followed her in there.
Those two weeks were the LONGEST two weeks of my life! No joke!
Stepping back into the office, with only a few people knowing about this little one, I laid back on the table for another ultrasound.
Now, if you’ve ever had this happen or been close to someone who has, this is extremely hard. No explanation. No nothing. Honestly, I felt like I failed. I failed as a mother, as a wife, as a person.
A few hours later, I was in recovery and ready to head home. I don’t think it had completely hit home at this point, but it wouldn’t be long.
I know not everyone’s story is like this. But today, I couldn’t help but think about all the mommas out there who have been through similar situations.
But if I could, I would wrap my arms around those of you who are reading this right now and have gone through this. I want to tell you that you’re not alone.
I’ve been there. I’ve stood in those shoes. My hope is that knowing that someone else has experienced this too brings you comfort. It helps to have someone who can relate, listen to your story, allow you to cry, to hurt, to be angry, to feel all those emotions.
Sweet friend, I’m here. But more than that…God is near to the brokenhearted.
I share my story because walking through this, I felt alone. I felt like a failure. I felt like no one understood. But that wasn’t true at all. In fact, it couldn’t be further from the truth.
Cling to this verse. It brought a sense of peace knowing that somehow, through this storm, God still had a plan. There would be a rainbow on the other side. Even though I wasn’t sure why everything was happening, and all I wanted was answers, I knew He had a plan.
While allowing myself to search for some good in this mess, day by day, the pain got a little less and my hope got a little stronger. Like I said above, you will never fully get rid of the pain, but you can always cling to the promise that His plan is always greater than the disappointment that we face.
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